April 15

Unlock the Benefits of an Independent Project Manager for Manufacturers


Have you ever gotten stuck in a project and didn’t know how to get it going again? It’s understandable. After all, we all encounter difficult business situations that require a manager’s expertise. The right project manager can be the missing link that gets things moving forward—but is it always necessary to hire a full-time project manager? Not necessarily. Hiring an independent project manager for manufacturers can help unlock unique advantages that support your project goals, improve team productivity, and help you stay on budget when managing a project. 

7 Benefits of an Independent Project Manager for Manufactures

  1. Expertise and Knowledge 

Having a professional project manager leading your project with specialized experience can be invaluable in helping to achieve your organization’s goals. 

  • They have a comprehensive understanding of organizational dynamics, operations, and culture. 
  • Possess a vast knowledge base to identify areas for improvement and develop efficient solutions to problems. 
  • Their high level of insight elevates the professional aptitude within your team, allowing for more creative problem-solving and the successful implementation of critical initiatives. 
  • Provide access to their specialized communication, collaboration, and conflict management skills. 
  • Their abilities add value to your organization by utilizing skills that would otherwise have to be acquired from outside sources or developed internally. 
  • Help ensure that the desired outcomes operate at a higher quality and speed than if managed by employees with less experience. 
  1. Access to External Resources 

An independent project manager has a competitive advantage accessing external resources that can reduce project costs while increasing overall efficiency. 

  • Their outside perspective and experience can be invaluable in creating, sourcing, and managing resources. 
  • They can bring aboard components, tools, and materials that may not have been available or known prior to their involvement. 
  • Their ability to source and manage the budgeting process can be critical to successful project implementation. 
  1. Dedicated to the Project

Having a dedicated and experienced individual at the helm can differentiate between a successful outcome and a project derailed by unnecessary delays. 

  • They are able to focus on their project without the distractions that come with managing day-to-day operations. 
  • Their undivided attention allows them to get creative with problem-solving and be more adaptable when it comes to changes in the project. 
  • They are typically seasoned professionals with extensive knowledge from previous projects and varied skill sets, allowing them to handle surprises better. 
  • Their vast knowledge can save considerable time and increase efficiency instead of making certain decisions based on educated guesswork. 
  • As independent professionals, they often bring in fresh perspectives or suggest improvements to ensure a smoother execution of the project. 
  • They give clear accountability by taking ownership of the entire process and promptly addressing potential issues. 
  1. Time and Cost Savings 

An experienced independent project manager can save considerable time and increase efficiency. 

  • They often oversee the entire process of a project to ensure its completion on time and within budget. 
  • They streamline the decision-making process and ensure tasks are completed quickly and efficiently, allowing people to focus on other work areas instead. 
  • Their approach reduces delays, mistakes, and miscommunications that slow progress.
  • Work to see a reduction in cost overruns due to misallocated resources or delays in completion caused by unanticipated issues. 
  • They take advantage of any available discounts, spotting unnecessary costs and ensuring all expenses stay within the approved budget allocation. 
  • Their skill set is an excellent addition to any team tasked with completing challenging projects quickly and efficiently. 
  1. Planning and Organization 

A well-organized plan is essential for any successful effort, regardless of size or complexity.

  • They create resources, timelines, and contingencies guiding their team through the project lifecycle. 
  • Take time to develop short-term and long-term strategies, set expectations, monitor progress, resource usage, and problem-solving when necessary. 
  • Ensure that tasks are appropriately delegated and that team members know what needs to be done. 
  • Help teams anticipate problems better and address areas of potential conflict before they arise. 
  • Measure performance against predetermined goals more effectively. 
  • Ensure room for flexibility within the plans so the teams stay on track and address new issues as they arise.
  1. Project Delivery and Completion 

When working on a project, independent project managers deliver results and ensure the project is completed as quickly and efficiently as possible. 

  • Their experience in the industry will allow them to mitigate risks, resolve conflicts, and identify opportunities for improvement along the way. 
  • They can depart from traditional management practices, enabling them to break down complex tasks into more manageable chunks without being constrained by a process. This often leads to better completion times and greater efficiency throughout the project. 
  • These experts often deliver superior results faster by eliminating wasted efforts and leveraging their specialized industry knowledge. 
  1. Managing Client and Team Needs 

An independent project manager has the advantage of being able to focus solely on meeting both client and team needs. They will effectively address clients’ and team members’ needs to manage a project successfully. 

  • They work to ensure needs are met and provide regular communication efficiently to the client and team members. 
  • There is greater potential for meeting customer expectations, motivating teams, and increasing customer satisfaction due to better project management. 

Don’t overlook the distinct advantages of hiring an independent project manager for your manufacturing project. Hiring an independent project manager can benefit a manufacturing company of any size of an organization. These specialists are trained to provide guidance and can manage large and complex projects with organizational and problem-solving skills. 

  • A study conducted in 2019 found that businesses that hire independent project managers have 28% fewer cost overruns. 
  • According to Project Management Institute, 65% of organizations reported improved customer satisfaction when they hired an independent manager. 
  • A survey conducted by Gartner Inc. found that organizations working with independent project managers were 15% more likely to achieve their intended outcomes. 

Begin Your Journey With E3 


Finding the right project manager for your company is essential to your success. When it comes to selecting an independent project manager, experience is critical. Working with an experienced consultant who can help you select the right tools and create a plan that meets your company’s unique needs and goals is essential. With over 35 years of experience, E3 Consulting can help your business implement digital transformation initiatives and create sustainable growth. We’ve helped Microsoft, Sony, Wastequip, Paramount Cosmetics, and more than 150 manufacturing companies achieve growth while reducing costs. We deliver solutions that increase efficiency and revenue by implementing better processes and technology. Book online or call (732) 334-3995 to schedule a consultation.


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