Business Processes Automation and Management Solutions Create Better Workflow
Business Process Automation and Management Solutions Make Better Businesses
If your company is experiencing glitches in how things get done – or don’t get done – the smartest step you can take is to look into business process management and automation solutions. Every business needs optimal performance for its people, processes, and technology. None of this happens by chance. Your company must have processes that work reliably, consistently, and that are replicable no matter which employee is currently responsible for the task.
Strategy First for Business Process Management and Automation
Your company’s overall workflow can only be improved when your processes are created and managed as a whole. Your processes enable your team to become more efficient, reduce human error, gain clarity regarding job roles and responsibilities, and adapt quickly to changes in your market. It’s how you optimize your business’ performance. Sound business process management allows your company to flourish because it:
- Automates, simplifies, and improves workflow
- Facilitates faster communication
- Expedites better management and planning
- Aids in more efficient time management
- Reduces costs as snags in the workflow become a distant memory
How Can You Improve Your Processes?
Rather than hiring full-time employees and “hurling” them at your operational processes, consider bringing in business-operations consultants as needed. Training in business operations process improvement doesn’t come cheap – and it’s not knowledge business owners and managers are born mastering.
One tool we recommend is Six Sigma, a “disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects (driving toward six standard deviations between the mean and the nearest specification limit) in ANY process—from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service.”
Another is the concept of Kaizen, or continuous improvement. It can streamline systems, reduce task and transition time, and improve work habits, all in small and manageable steps. Continuous improvement is the result of incremental changes practiced over time, and is the secret to maximizing your company’s core competencies.
Put the 80/20 Rule to Work for You
Don’t throw money at processes or technology that won’t noticeably improve your profits—assess and prioritize first. Spend your money knowingly on an important process requiring significant help. For example: Perhaps your IT infrastructure hasn’t been upgraded in years but, at this very moment, you have no lead-nurturing process or system in place. Rather than overspending on both headaches at the same time, prioritize and fix the problem that will boost your bottom line better. Your ability to focus effectively on your business’s core competencies will increase dramatically.
Build a Better Business
Call E3 Consulting at (732) 334-3995 now to find out how our business process management and automation solutions can make your company out-perform itself (and your competitors) through the power of process. You can also request a free Business Breakthrough Assessment.
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