I wanted to give you a few more ideas that can help you attract new clients and grow your business.
- What can you say to your clients or prospects to make them ask “huh, what did you just say?” Make your statements so outrageous that they ask you to prove it. And then prove it.
- If you are in a retail business – do not sell the products. Sell the experience of your store. This is the biggest reason retail business go out of businesses so quickly – they are there to discount products – and that is it. (re-read that again if you are not in a retail environment… the lessons still apply).
- Set the buying criteria for your prospects. Once they have seen your offering – they have to reevaluate how they decide who to buy from because you made them realize – you are the only one that provides an experience as high quality as you do.
- Plan your long-term strategies before you plan your tactics. Strategy shows where you plan on going, who you want to be, and what types of clients you want as your friends. Tactics show how to get all of your strategy accomplished.
Despite all the magic pill solutions being hyped out there, nothing beats a street smart marketing initiative like this.
Few are willing to lay it out on the table like this, which explains why so many businesses end up on the dung heap.
Sustainable growth in today’s economy is ALL based on sound business principles.
Which we are covering in the upcoming Duct Tape Marketing Catalyst Program.
Please spend some time on that site and put some serious thought into what IS possible in your business. Oftentimes it is a step-by-step coaching program like this that can give you the massive breakthroughs that you want.
Magic pills don’t work…
…repeatable systems do.
Join me in this 10 step marketing process and you will walk away with the systems you need.
~ Brad Tornberg
PS: The most important thing you must consider in hiring a marketing consultant is in their ability to deliver.
The Duct Tape Marketing system has been used to start, grow and help thousands of individuals achieve levels of success they previously had only dreamed of.
Duct Tape Marketing would like you to be next.
Why don’t you join us for an amazing ride! Get your Free Business Assessment and Consultation today.